Friday, 16 September 2011

The Sunshine Award

Thank you so much Kath of iam_kbc for awarding me with The Sunshine Award :D !! This is my second award so far, after the One Lovely Blogger Award. I'm so happy :D !!

The Rules: 
1. Thank the person who gave you this award and write a post about it 
2. Answer the following questions
3. Pass it on to ten fabulous bloggers and send them a message to let them know 

Favourite Colour:  Coral pink 
Favourite Animal: Foxes or penguins
Favourite Number: 24 (that's also my birth date) 
Favourite Drink: Bubble tea!
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook, I don't have a Twitter
Your Passion: Probably fashion or other types of design
Giving or Getting Presents: Both of course!
Favourite Pattern: Damask for wallpaper and some types of plaid for clothing
Favourite Day: Christmas Day :D ! 
Favourite Flowers: Cherry blossoms, orchids and roses (I know I can never choose just one thing :P ) 

I would like to present these fabulous blogs with this award:
- Sous ta Chaussure
- Autumnal Fever
- Frills and Thrills
- The Diary of Miss Raj 

I know there should be more and I know I'm breaking the rules... Again. These were the only Bloggers I could think of who didn't already have the award and who I knew well enough to give them an award :) Well, congratulations to those who received it! I would just like to give some recognition to fellow Bloggers and let you see what they have to say on their blogs. I guess I'm more of a follower than a followee (can you say that :P ?). Thanks to my 9 followers, you give me excitement each and every day and you're all the reason to why I still blog :)   

I Heart My Followers

~ Aurelia Maude 

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

New School

    Sorry for my absence! Last week was my first week at my new school, in my new country! Haha, so many news... Now that I've finally gotten into the school habit I can start writing more often since last week was kind of a "getting used to" period.
    My high school is a lot bigger than the other schools I've been to so I got lost quite a bit during my first few days. I got a lot of strange looks when I accidentally walked into grade 12 classes, haha. It's both a boarding school and a day school but I go to the day school only. Thus it being both types, the campus is reeaally big... I made a couple new friends and I'm hoping to making more the next few weeks. It's also an English school so just about everyone speaks English and all the classes are taught in English except art and French (obviously for the last one).
    I have eight courses since my school isn't semestered. They are: math, English, science, art, French, history, civics and careers, and business. All of them are compulsory except for French, art and business which I got to choose. I chose to take Enriched French which is harder than Academic which is harder than Applied and on top of all that I got the strictest French teacher in the school... We were writing the conjugations of irregular verbs and I had to write the past tense of ConnaĆ®tre for all the pronouns on the board. I thought I knew how to do it until I got to the board and then I totally panicked and forgot what to write! I ended up writing the wrong endings and I forgot this other thing you have to add between the pronoun and verb (avoir conjugated for those of you who know) and I was sooo embarrassed!!! She came up to me and was like "you really have to review your verb conjugations. This is all wrong!" and then she drew a huge X through my work "if this was on a test I would take 5 marks off each question!". It was like the worst thing! I used to be the "smart" one in my French class last year and now I'm like the "not-so-smart" one... I don't know if I should switch classes so I can be back in Academic or should I continue..? (Crying :( ) I've also got a Math Quiz tomorrow... I know right? On the second week of school... 
    Well that's about it for now. I'll try not to talk about school too much in my later posts, it's just a big part of my life so it's hard not to. Maybe after a few weeks things will start to get a bit easier as I get used to everything... I hope. 

~ Aurelia Maude        

Thursday, 1 September 2011

I'm Back

I'm finally back from England! Sorry about not being able to blog for so long. The weddings I went to were pretty fun and I had a blast! I'll write more a little later, but for now, here are a few pictures from the past couple of days:

Wedding Number 2
Getting my makeup done before bridesmaiding
Perfection with the lipstick! 
Me in the bridesmaid dress

The next pictures are me practicing my photography skills:

I took a lot more photos but these were the ones that I thought looked the best. I was still learning my camera's functions so determining the focus and light balance was still hard for me to do. The bridesmaids dresses were a little different than what I thought they were going to be but they weren't that bad. I really didn't like the hairstyle though... There's nothing you can do about it since it's the bride's decision and it's her day, not yours :) If she likes it, then isn't that what really matters? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the pictures!  

~ Aurelia Maude